Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ruka part 2

  Thursday morning we didn't do all that much. I read a lot on my kindle. I am now on book 4 of the "Song of Ice and Fire" series (game of thrones).In the afternoon we went on a long hike in a national park. There were lots of waterfalls and a really scary rope bridge over a river that I crossed. I thought for sure I was going down. We hiked over 8 km that afternoon. Blueberries were everywhere! We also saw a few reindeer.
   Friday morning we went white water rafting! This was probably the funnest thing we did in Ruka. We went over 6 sets of rapids that were class 1 through 3. I thought the class 3 one was the funnest  but everybody else thought it was scary. Our skipper got injured the last time he went on it because the group hit  the part where you drop 2 meters at one moment. He didn't tell us this story until AFTER we got down the rapids. I almost fell out of the boat a lot. I did fall into the boat twice because my seat was so slippery. It was very hard to paddle while bouncing around so much. Sanni and I were joking about who we wanted to fall out of the boat. I was betting on Jarno because he was in the very front of the boat.
   After rafting we went on a tiny (1.6 km) hike to a fire pit in another part of the national forest. There was a reindeer only 30 feet from us watching us eat. When we were heading back to the car Anna showed me a map of where we were. Russia was only 12 km away! I joked about running there quick but Anna said that there were cameras all along the boarder and many people tried to get over there and they got arrested. Bummer. Finns are not big fans of Russians and I see why.
    Friday night I went in the sauna again. When I converted the temp from celcius to farrenheit I was amazed. The litter room was over 170 degrees farrenheit! This morning we just drove home for 12 hours. Pretty boring but I read quite a it.

This morning we just drove home for 12 hours

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