Wednesday, June 5, 2013

21 more days!

    I can't believe that I will be on the plane to Helsinki only 3 weeks from now. I don't know where the past 7 months have gone. I signed up for the program in December, found out I was accepted in March and finally this month I'm leaving. I return August 10th which seems far off but I'm sure it'll come fast :(  .

    Today my mom and I went shopping for some new duds. I really only own athletic type clothing so I had to get some nicer shorts and skirts. I also got some host family gifts (ooooohhhhhh). I don't want to say what they are because they might read this. How am I supposed to pack 6 weeks worth of clothing, tennis clothes and gifts into a checked bag and a carry on? That is a challenge I'm looking forward too.

    Speaking of challenges, I've been trying to learn Finnish. My phrase book is pretty helpful but I'm probably pronouncing everything wrong. Ehh I have an 8 hour plane ride to learn a language.


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