Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Exploring Turku

   This morning started out like many others. Jarno,Aada, Venla, Sara and I hopped in the car to go to the Baltic. The weather was wonderful today and we all took advantage of the warm water. Expect for Jarno and Sara who went on a walk. After arriving home Jarno said we would have a few minutes to change before we go for lunch in Turku. At only 22 km away, Turku is the nearest "big city" to Kuusisto. Although we went to Turku yesterday I forgot to bring my camera so today I knew I would have to bring it.
   Lunch was aboard the "Bruno 2". Many boats line the river. We had to walk a long way to the boat and I had to pee so bad! I had pork(yay) that was drowning in mayonaise(nay). Also I had french fries(yay) but they got salad dressing on them(nay).
Me and Aada on the Bruno 2
   Next up was crossing the river to walk around the other side where more things were going on. We took the ferry like yesterday. The only difference is that the moment the ferry left the dock one side tilted up and I was scared to death. I was also scared to death later today when I was standing by the side of the river and a steam boat decided to blow it's horn. I almost fell into the water!
The ferry
   I was teaching Aada English words all afternoon. She learned baby,stroller,puppy and a few others. Here are some boats. 
  There is a bridge in Turku where lovers lock a lock with their names on it and throw the key in the river. Oh love.

How sweet -_-
     This evening the whole family minus Sanni who is at a friend's cabin went swimming at a different beach. So fun!

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