Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Downsides

   Not everything has been what I have expected so far while staying here. I was warned of all of these things before I left but I really didn't expect them to happen

1. Gaining weight - At first when I got to Finland I was actually losing weight. I'm not sure why I was but I had lost about 3 pounds within the first week and a half. I'm not used to eating as much as I do here. We have breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. Also we have been going to so many parties and It is rude not to try something that someone spent a lot of time making. I have been working out every day in my room and walking so much but I have still gained about 5-10 pounds. Hopefully I'll be able to run when we're in Ruka next week because I am the "Fat American". Also, being sad from a rough breakup has not helped with my self confidence.

2. Sleep issues - I have always been good at sleeping. I can sleep almost anywhere. But for some reason it takes me almost 30 minutes to fall asleep every night.I also have to wake up early a lot so that doesn't help.

3. Homesickness - I don't think Im homesickness in the traditional sense. I miss my home and my family but I still like being here. I just miss my old routine of waking up when I want, going to tennis and being able to have time by myself.

   I hope my host family doesn't think that I don't want to spend time with them when I go into my room sometimes. I just want some alone time where no one screams or sings loudly.


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