Saturday, July 6, 2013

Strawberries and Swiming

   Yesterday afternoon the whole family crammed into the car and we went strawberry picking. In about 35 minutes we had picked 6 liters worth! It was so incredibly delicious. Later in the day we dropped Sanni off at a friends house. Jarno, Anna and I went shopping for a watch for Anna. The only store that that mall had in common with US malls was H&M. Everything else seemed super expensive. Even the Angry Bird coffee cup was 15 euros!
    Today all of us crammed into the car again, this time Sara replaced Sanni. We drove to another little island and went swimming! Before we got to the beach we went to a resturant famous for it's fish soup. It was a different soup, one that I probably won't try again on my own. After lunch we got in the car again and off to the beach we went!
     The Baltic sea is cold. Really freaking cold. Keep in mind that the air temp is only around 70. The sea temp was probably between 50-60. While Venla was able to jump right it with no problem ; Aada and I took some convincing. Finally we all three jumped in together. Most of our "swimming" was spent jumping off the dock and trying to get back on as fast as possible. It was still a really fun time though.
The beach. The water was at least 7 feet deep at the end of the dock. 
   I don't think we were even at the beach for 45 minutes when we all got to cold and decided to take a walk around the costal town. Here are some pictures from our walk.

The Fish resturant

A pier



Sara came with, of course

More boats


A little river runs through town

Anna and a boat that is a library

We found another beach

Cafe where we got cookies

Finland shaped cookies

Side ways me

Angry Birds is everywhere!

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